Hawaiian Green Turtle

Holiday Surf Hotel

Savvy travelers know that a budget hotel
doesn’t need to equal a budget vacation.

Beach Time!
You’re unique and your vacation should be too. We know not every guest comes to Hawai‘i for the same reasons or with the same expectations. Choosing one of our targeted specialty programs could be the difference between a good and a fabulous vacation. Ready to start planning?

Rent a Canoe?

At Holiday Surf Hotel we are all about helping you make memories that will last forever as you enjoy the very best of Hawai‘i. Hawai‘i is all about what’s outside your room, and we can help you stretch those vacation dollars to take advantage of all our amazing state has to offer.

You’ve made a wise decision to stay at an affordable, clean, comfortable hotel in a superior location. Why not choose one of our amazing premium packages designed to help you plan the best vacation while saving lots of money?

For more information send us an email and we’ll help you start planning the best option for your perfect vacation.

Circle island tour!